
Holiday Catering in San Luis Obispo

Holiday Catering in San Luis Obispo

Holiday Catering in San Luis Obispo

Thanksgiving has come and gone, leaving me still stuffed from all the delicious food. Now, we’re back to reality—it’s Monday. We gave ourselves a bit of a mental break enjoying family, but guess what’s only 28 days away? Christmas! Let’s dive into today’s blog and chat about something exciting: Holiday Catering in San Luis Obispo and beyond. Curious about how it can make your holiday season amazing? Let’s get into it! 


Personal Catering for Your Family


Good news! Popolo Catering is here to make your life easier with curated Holiday family meal options. Choose between chicken cordon bleu or prime rib as the entrée options and enjoy a complete meal with sides and dessert—all without dirtying a single pan in your kitchen. Contact us to place an advance order, and voila! Whether you’re taking a cooking break or aiming to wow your friends with a mouthwatering holiday spread, we can help you! 

Holiday Catering in San Luis Obispo
The options for the Holiday Family Meals this year.

Office Catering


Need a little help spicing up your office festivities? Popolo Catering is the answer. Order party platters for pick-up or delivery and treat your office crew to the joy of delicious food. Whether you’re thinking sandwiches and salads or a chic charcuterie setup; your team will feel extra special knowing you thought of them. 

Holiday Catering in San Luis ObispoBigger Holiday Parties


Now, let’s talk about the grand celebrations. Holiday Catering is the secret sauce for those big family or office parties, and Popolo Catering is the expert to be taken advantage of. Picture a buffet line with a delectable meal that takes your holiday party to the next level. Jump onto our website, use our free quote estimate tool, and design the perfect menu today. Our team is ready and excited to help you create the ultimate holiday bash. 

Holiday Catering in San Luis Obispo
Buffet all ready for a Holiday Party

So, whether it’s catering for your family, a small office treat, or a blowout office holiday party, Popolo has your holiday party Catering in San Luis Obispo (and beyond) covered this season. Slice it any way you want—consider it done! 

Special Request Catering at PopoloLike reading these blogs? Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to be notified whenever a new blog is posted.

Do you need help with your Holiday Meals for your family this year?? Popolo would come to help. Click here to read more about our curated holiday menu offerings.

More Question? Feel free to Contact Us or give us a call at 805-543-9543

Written By:

Marissa Dominguez

Popolo Blogs and Social Media Coordinator

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