
Wedding Wednesday

Think about your dream wedding. What are the most important things for you? Do you imagine looking at your beautiful wedding photos 50 years from now? Can you see your guests dancing all night long to amazing music on an expertly lit dance floor? Can you see a stress-free day led by an amazing coordinator? Lastly, can you picture and taste an amazing meal that your guest will rave about for years to come?

Popolo Catering is your one-stop-shop for your dream wedding on the Central Coast. We have been catering in Santa Barbara County and San Luis Obispo County for 16 years. With our expert knowledge, we can refer you to amazing vendors to help you make your wedding day amazing. Not only do we cater amazing meals specializing in Italian, Mexican, and BBQ, we also have an in-house wedding coordinator. If you want to learn more about our catering and wedding expertise call us today 805-543-9543.